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Faculty/Staff Printing - Connect to a Network Printer on Taboo

This article contains instructions for any Binghamton University faculty or staff member that would like to connect their Windows or Mac computer to a network printer that ITS manages on the Taboo (\\ print server. ... Overview This article contains instructions for any Binghamton University faculty or staff member that would like to connect their Windows or Mac computer to a network printer that ITS manages on

Sorting and Filtering Files on a Network Drive

way of filtering through lots of files that you can evaluate whether to delete or keep   Map a Network Drive on a Mac In the Finder, click on the Go menu, select Connect to Server

Virtual Private Network

Information Technology Services provides a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for off-campus users to connect to on-campus resources.

Connecting smart TVs, game consoles, smart speakers, streaming media devices, etc. to the network

How to connect gaming and other devices to the internet. ... registered to connect to the mydevicesbing network. (Note: the 'Pending' status displayed on the Game Device Registration Portal is a software bug. Please disregard.) All devices that have connected via

How to map Faculty or Staff network drives on MacOS (H Drive, S Drive, or Encrypted Research Storage)

This article provides instructions for mapping your network drives on your MacOS computer. ... apple ... Overview This article provides instructions for mapping your Faculty or Staff network drives on your MacOS.  Note: To connect to network drives from off-campus, you must first connect to

How to map Faculty or Staff network drives on Windows (H Drive, S Drive, or Encrypted Research Storage)

Instructions for mapping network drives on Windows PCs. ... network ... Overview This article provides instructions for mapping your Faculty or Staff network drives on your Windows PC.  Note: To connect to network drives from off-campus, you must first connect to

Facilities Management (Maximo)

Facilities Management system that is used to request services from Physical Facilities. ... network. To access it from outside the campus network (such as while working from home), please connect to the VPN by logging into or connecting via iVanti Secure before clicking to make

Printing to PaperCut

choose Connect from the menu.     Windows will install the driver and add the printer to the Windows printer menu.   You can now open your document on your computer and print by

ITS Energy Saving and Sustainable Best Practices

printer has power management options, set to power down when not in use.   Data Cleanup Cleanup Messages and Files in Google Workspace (Email, and Drive) Delete emails messages in

VPN - Install/Upgrade Ivanti Secure Access (Formerly Pulse Secure) and Connect to the VPN

Learn how to download and install Ivanti Secure Access (formerly Pulse Secure), then connect to the Binghamton University VPN. ... computer resources (i.e. a department's shared network drive, an H drive, a U drive, Banner, etc...) from anywhere outside of the Binghamton University campus. Connecting to the VPN, in essence, makes a

Mapping your UShare ( on Windows OS or Mac OS

the "$" symbol) TIP: Click the '+' sign to save the Server URL to 'Favorite Servers' for future use. After clicking Connect, enter your BU username and password Once

Setup WIFI on ChromeBook devices

the right username and password are used. Then click on download. This will download the .onc file. Next switch to the network tab.   Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and

Repair Loaner Laptop Request

ITS manages a fleet of loaner laptop computers for short term use by faculty, staff and students. ... you connect to your network storage drive, Google Drive or a removable disk drive to access and save files. Avoid saving files on the loaner computer. Technical Support and ITS are not responsible for

Respondus: Best Practices for Students Using Respondus LockDown Browser

, connect your device directly to your network router using a cable. Ask others using your network to minimize their activity (e.g., online gameplay or video streaming) while you complete your quiz

BingView FAQ

Desktop? A: To access BingView, go to Students and off-campus users are required to connect to VPN before using BingView.  Visit the IT Self Service for more info. Q