The unencrypted wireless network mydevicesbing is available for gaming devices, Smart TV, Roku, Amazon Firestick, Apple TV, Amazon Echo and other devices that do not support WPA2 Enterprise 802.1x authentication or cannot otherwise access eduroam. Devices that have a browser and are WPA2 Enterprise compatible should use the encrypted wireless network eduroam to connect.
Clients can log into MyDevices using their Binghamton University Computer Account (BU) user id and password.

To register a device click on the Add Button.

Next enter the Device name (i.e. Xbox), the Device ID is the wireless MAC Address. You can enter a description, but it is not required.

When completed click on submit.

Your device will be registered to connect to the mydevicesbing network. (Note: the 'Pending' status displayed on the Game Device Registration Portal is a software bug. Please disregard.)
All devices that have connected via mydevicesbing will be purged at the end of major semesters.
Users of the Binghamton University data network are required to abide by the Binghamton University Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy.