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Server & Storage Management

Information Technology Services utilizes a suite of products to support virtual infrastructure needs across the campus. ... s ... . \\\username$   S Drive: Department Network Storage:  Every department has access to 5 gig bits of storage. New shares can be created by request. Access to a

How to map Faculty or Staff network drives on MacOS (H Drive, S Drive, or Encrypted Research Storage)

This article provides instructions for mapping your network drives on your MacOS computer. ... storage ... Overview This article provides instructions for mapping your Faculty or Staff network drives on your MacOS.  Note: To connect to network drives from off-campus, you must first connect to

How to map Faculty or Staff network drives on Windows (H Drive, S Drive, or Encrypted Research Storage)

Instructions for mapping network drives on Windows PCs. ... storage ... to "This PC" (Desktop App) Select the Computer tab, then select the icon for Map Network Drive In the Map Network Drive window: Select Drive: H, or S. For your H drive, or personal

Network (H) Drive Request

Network Drive Assistance (Mapping)


Sorting and Filtering Files on a Network Drive

sure to follow all Binghamton University and SUNY Record Retention Guidelines.   Windows This section will provide instructions on how to map a network drive in Windows along with ways of

Report a Server or Network Storage Issue

Shared Drive (S) Access Request


Research Storage

Encrypted storage for research data. ... storage ... Service Description Encrypted at rest and in transit Accessible from Windows, Mac, or Linux Access controls in place to limit who can access data Data will be stored resiliently, but not

Google Drive

Students, faculty and staff receive Google Drive storage. ... storage

Google Workspace Storage

storage ... , individual storage limits will be assigned to user accounts and will be visible in the Google Drive app. Exceeding your individual storage limit will not impact your ability to send or receive

Managing File & Folder Permissions for Research Storage

To manage file & folder permissions of Research Storage at a greater granularity than what is offered through IAMBing you can do so via standard Windows permissions. ... research-storage ...  window, select the shared drive for your area or department (S Drive or W Drive). Navigate to the location you want the new folder to appear (e.g., within one of your existing folders). On the menu bar

Network & Connectivity Management

Information Technology Services is responsible for maintaining the high-speed data network that spans the Binghamton University campuses. ... network ... Service Description Information Technology Services is responsible for maintaining the high-speed data network that spans the Binghamton University campuses. Access to Binghamton University

Department Print Queue Creation

Departments can request a print queue for their network printer. ... network

Using Google Drive App in the Binghamton Public Computing Labs (Windows)

drive ... The Google Drive App is on the public computers in the Binghamton Public Computer Labs and Classrooms.  This leverages the storage for Binghamton University students on Google.  The Drive app maps