Google Workspace Storage

Storage Limits

Google announced storage limits for Google Workspace for Education in 2021. The limits for each institution went into effect in January 2023. Binghamton University took multiple steps in 2022 which allowed us to continue using our Google Workspace accounts without interruption.

However, everyone should be working towards reducing our overall storage.

Beginning in 2024, individual storage limits will be assigned to user accounts and will be visible in the Google Drive app.

Exceeding your individual storage limit will not impact your ability to send or receive email. It will affect your ability to upload new files to Google Drive.

To review your current storage usage go to

The article Manage your Google storage details how to search for large files and easily delete files that you no longer need to store in Google Drive.

If you would like assistance, please feel free to contact the Binghamton University ITS Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or Submit a Request, and we'll be happy to help.

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