Common Service Access by Affiliation


Binghamton University ITS systems apply entitlements, accounts, and access to each individual depending on their University group affiliation (i.e. faculty, staff, students, etc.). These affiliations provide automatic or requestable access to services like Google email, Microsoft Office, eduroam wifi, and others. 

This article shows common service access expectations provided to common group affiliations in accordance with the ITS Binghamton University Account Policy.

Please keep in mind that individuals may have multiple group affiliations, which could modify their access. For access questions unaddressed here, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or Submit a Request.

*Full definitions of each group affiliation listed below, along with access time frames, are available at: POLICIES: ITS UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTS POLICY
*Account and service access is contingent on compliance with the Binghamton University Computer and Network Policy (Acceptable Use): POLICIES: COMPUTER AND NETWORK POLICY (ACCEPTABLE USE)

Active Employees

Active employee group affiliations are for current faculty or staff members as identified in Binghamton University, and/or Research Foundation (RF), HR records. 

Research Foundation Staff



The alumni group affiliation is for individuals that have officially graduated and attained a degree from Binghamton University based on Student Records/Registrar, and/or Alumni Association department records.




The applicant group affiliation is for individuals applying to become Binghamton University students.



Emeritus Faculty and Retirees

Retiree or Emeritus group affiliations are for retired staff or faculty members as identified in Binghamton University, and/or Research Foundation (RF) HR records. In some cases, individuals  with these affiliations may still actively work in some capacity at Binghamton University.

Emeritus Faculty



Student group affiliations are for accepted and enrolled Binghamton University students, or former students that have recently graduated (normally within the last six months).

Recently-Graduated Students


Volunteers and Sponsored Groups

Sponsored and volunteer group affiliations are somewhat unique in that they could have varying levels of access. For example, some volunteer affiliations (i.e. Visiting Researcher/Scholar/Professional) provide accounts that may have similar access to Binghamton University employees since they're registered through HR. To learn more about requesting a volunteer affiliation, please visit the following HR website:

A sponsored affiliation provides an account that may only have a small set of access privileges as requested by a dept. to perform a specific business task. A dept. can request a sponsored account from ITS who will review, and if appropriate, approve the sponsorship before creating an account or adding access. 


Visiting Scholars


If you would like assistance, please feel free to contact the Binghamton University ITS Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or Submit a Request, and we'll be happy to help.

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