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Compromised Accounts

and confirm a new password that synchronizes with both BU and BMail accounts. Once you regain access, we recommend the following to secure the Bmail account: Log in to your Bmail account's

Google 2-Step Verification - First-Time Setup and Managing Devices

This article provides step-by-step instructions for enabling Google 2-Step Verification on a person's Bmail address, and managing devices later on. ... Overview This article contains Binghamton University instructions for enabling Google’s 2-Step Verification service on a Bmail address. Google 2-Step Verification is only used for logging in to

Sorting and Filtering Files on a Network Drive

way of filtering through lots of files that you can evaluate whether to delete or keep   Map a Network Drive on a Mac In the Finder, click on the Go menu, select Connect to Server

Google 2-Step Verification - International Travel Recommendations

This article provides Google 2-Step Verification information and options for international travelers to avoid getting locked out of their Bmail address. ... bmail ... Overview This article contains Binghamton University recommendations and instructions to help an individual get past their Google 2-Step Verification in order to log in to a Bmail address when

Common Service Access by Affiliation

Google 2-Step Verification YES - Required on all Google Workspace accounts. There are two different two-factor authentication (2FA) systems. Google 2-Step Verification is for Bmail and

Email & Collaboration

Google Workspace for Education. The specific applications that are available include Gmail (Bmail), Google Calendar and Google Chat, as well as Google Drive and Google Sites. As the University's

Turnitin Draft Coach

are logged into your own Gmail account and not your Bmail account then you will not see this Add-on listed. Turnitin Draft Coach is only available to those in our

How to Reset Your Binghamton University Password(s)

bmail ... portal.  Are you an alumni? Your Binghamton email (Bmail) password can be reset by logging into BConnected. More information on alumni emails and other alumni resources can be found on the alumni

Zoom only displays basic features

Binghamton email address, and it must be confirmed before access is granted. Please check your spam folder if it does not appear in the BMail Inbox.   After clicking the button for Switch to

Delete Email Messages in Google Web

Overview Binghamton University email uses Google Workspace for Education as our email service provider. Many functions for managing messages for Binghamton University email accounts (BMail) are

OneDrive - Download OneDrive Data

/   Sign in with your Bmail address and password. If you're asked to "Stay signed in?" make any selections you prefer (this does not impact downloading data

Brightspace: Enrolling People into your Class

using their B#. In Brightspace the "Org Defined ID" is the B# it appears like this "B00123045". Enrollment - To set the search filter to filter out users already enrolled in the course, deselect the

Install Google Workspace Sync for Outlook

Binghamton email on your Windows computer. Please note that while Outlook can be used to manage email and calendars, some Bmail features such as setting a vacation responder, viewing shared documents

Send email from an alias

Sign in to your Binghamton University email - Click the Settings icon in the upper-right and select and select See all settings Under the Accounts Tab look for

Google Groups- Allow non Binghamton email addresses to be members

Overview Log in to your Binghamton email ( and click Groups from the Apps menu.     Open the Group you want to manage Go to Group Settings