Desktop & Mobile Computing

Services related to desktop computers, laptop computers, hardware lifecycle, Printing, Software Distribution, and Loaner Equipment.

Services (7)

Computer Labs

Information Technology Services provides computer labs for students, faculty and staff.

Hardware Lifecycle Services

Information Technology Services provides quotes, installation, and recycling for University owned computer hardware.

Personal Device Repair

Personal device repair is provided through Information Technology Services (ITS) as a service funded by Binghamton University's technology fee.

Printing & Related Services

Information Technology Services provides printing services for faculty, staff and students.

Repair Loaner Laptop Request

ITS manages a fleet of loaner laptop computers for short term use by faculty, staff and students.

Software & Applications

Information Technology Services manages software licensing for the University and distributes software and software licenses.

University Desktop & Mobile Device Support

Information Technology Services provides hardware and software support for University owned devices, including desktops, and laptops.