Printing & Related Services

Service Description

Information Technology Services provides various printing services for the campus community.

For offices, ITS provides a print server where network printers can be setup to be used by multiple people in a department. 

For students, ITS provides Print@Binghamton where students can use print credit or their BUC$ account to print in public computing labs. 


  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


  • Offices & Departments
  • Public Computing Labs

Student Printing Information

All registered students receive a quota of $43.50 at the start of the semester. The quota permits 1740 b/w double-sided pages, or 870 b/w single-sided pages and any unused quota remains available until the end of the semester. The student printing quota for the each semester officially ends on the last day of finals week. The new term quota will begin the day after. PLEASE NOTE: Whatever you did not use from previous semester's quota is lost.

If the account is out of quota:

  • Students may use BUC$ to pay for additional printing services. 

To receive a quota:

  • Students must be registered for the current semester, have no holds as listed in BUBrain and have a current University ID card.

Printing prices are:

  • black/white (One-sided ) - $0.05 per page
  • black/white (Two-sided) - $0.025 per side
  • Color (One-sided)- $0.40 per page
  • Color (Two-sided) - $0.20 per side

Paying for Printing: 

  • Student Print Quota can be used for both black and white laser printing and color printing.
  • BUC$ card can be used to pay for printing when the quota is exhausted or if you do not have a print quota.

Your balance is not changed unless you actually print a document.


Contact the ITS Help Desk at (607) 777-6420 or Submit a Request for additional assistance. 

Department Print Queue Request Student Printer Supplies Request Student Print Credit Request Report a Printing Issue

Related Articles (1)

This article contains instructions for any Binghamton University faculty or staff member that would like to connect their Windows or Mac computer to a network printer that ITS manages on the Taboo (\\ print server.


Service ID: 20
Mon 6/13/22 11:27 AM
Tue 8/16/22 10:14 AM

Service Offerings (4)

Department Print Queue Creation
Departments can request a print queue for their network printer.
Student Printer Supplies
Request supplies for student printers in the Print@Binghamton system.
Student Printing Credit
Students can request a print credit if there was an issue with their print job.