Send Mail As Binghamton email address from Google after 2-Step Verification enabled


When 2-Step Verification is enabled for your Binghamton University email account, you will need an App Password to use the Send Mail As setting within a Gmail account.

Google provides instructions for creating an App Password here:

Here are the instructions for adding your Binghamton University Email account to use for sending from a personal Gmail account:

  1. In your Gmail account, click on the Settings gear icon and select See All Settings
  2. Click the menu heading Accounts and Import and under Send mail as: select Add another email address
  3. In the Add another email address you own form, enter the name you use for your Binghamton email account in the Name box. Enter your Binghamton University email address in the Email address box. Uncheck Treat as an alias. Click on the Next Step button
  4. In the SMTP Server box enter In the Username box enter your Binghamton University email address (include the For the Security option, select the button for Secured connection using TLS and make sure the Port selection is 587.
  5. The next step is the Password which must be generated from your Binghamton email account. Leve these settings open and log into your Binghamton University email account at
  6. Once you are logged in, click on the Binghamton University logo in the upper right corner of the screen and then select the Manage your Google Account button.
  7. Select the Security menu from the left side of the screen and then under Signing in to Google select App passwords
  8. Under Select the app and device you want to generate the app password for: under Select app choose Mail. Under Select device choose Other. You can name it Gmail or whatever you prefer then click the Generate button.
  9. Under the heading Your app password for your device you will see a 16 character password in a yellow box. That is the password you need to enter in your Gmail account settings. You can copy the password for pasting it this one time. You don't need it later, but you do need to enter it in the other account settings so make sure you have it available or copied before closing out.
  10. Return to the Add another email address you own window in your Gmail account settings and paste or type the App password you just generated in the Password box. Click on Add Account.
  11. You will then see a message that you need to confirm the credentials. An email message with a confirmation code was sent to your Binghamton email. Check your messages in the Binghamton account and follow the instructions to either copy and paste the code or click the link to confirm the settings.
  12. You should then see the account listed in the Send mail as settings in your Gmail account.
  13. If you compose a new message in your Gmail account, you can select to send from either or

Here are screenshots of the settings:

1. In your Gmail account, click on the Settings gear icon and select See All Settings

Settings - See all settings

2. Click the menu heading Accounts and Import and under Send mail as: select Add another email address

Send mail as

3. In the Add another email address you own form, enter the name you use for your Binghamton email account in the Name box. Enter your Binghamton University email address in the Email address box. Uncheck Treat as an alias. Click on the Next Step button

Name and email

4. In the SMTP Server box enter In the Username box enter your Binghamton University email address (include the For the Security option, select the button for Secured connection using TLS and make sure the Port selection is 587.

TLS Port 587

5. The next step is the Password which must be generated from your Binghamton email account. Leve these settings open and log into your Binghamton University email account at

6. Once you are logged in, click on the Binghamton University logo in the upper right corner of the screen and then select the Manage your Google Account button.

Manage Binghamton Account

7. Select the Security menu from the left side of the screen and then under Signing in to Google select App passwords

Security - App Passwords

8. Under Select the app and device you want to generate the app password for: under Select app choose Mail. Under Select device choose Other. You can name it Gmail or whatever you prefer then click the Generate button.

Select App - Mail

Select Device - Other


9. Under the heading Your app password for your device you will see a 16 character password in a yellow box. That is the password you need to enter in your Gmail account settings. You can copy the password for pasting it this one time. You don't need it later, but you do need to enter it in the other account settings so make sure you have it available or copied before closing out.

Generated app password

10. Return to the Add another email address you own window in your Gmail account settings and paste or type the App password you just generated in the Password box. Click on Add Account.

Add Account

11. You will then see a message that you need to confirm the credentials. An email message with a confirmation code was sent to your Binghamton email. Check your messages in the Binghamton account and follow the instructions to either copy and paste the code or click the link to confirm the settings.

Confirmation form

After you have verified the confirmation code, you should then see the Binghamton email account listed in the Send mail as settings in your Gmail account.

If you compose a new message in your Gmail account, you can select to send from either or



If you would like assistance, please feel free to contact the Binghamton University ITS Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or Submit a Request, and we'll be happy to help.

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Article ID: 611
Mon 9/12/22 4:19 PM
Mon 9/19/22 1:48 PM