Add or Delete Listserv Subscribers

Add or delete Listserv subscribers

Log in to You must be listed as an owner and using the email address that is an owner of the Listserv you are updating. If you do not have a Listserv password, select the link to “Register password” and Listserv will register a password you select and confirm it by sending it to the owner’s email address.



Once logged in, select the List Management menu from the upper left corner of the screen, then select Subscriber Management from the menu. If the email address you are using owns multiple lists, you will also have to select the list you want to modify.

Enter a new subscriber's email address and optionally their name in the Email Address and Name: box. You can select to notify them or not and then click the "Add Subscriber" button to add them to the Listserv.

To find existing subscribers, search for them by email address or name in the Search for Subscribers box.

To view all of the subscribers for your list, click on Subscriber Reports under List Management.

To download a list of subscribers, select the option for CSV Format under Report Format and click the Update button. A CSV file will download so you can view the subscribers in spreadsheet format.

If you would like assistance, please feel free to contact the Binghamton University ITS Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or Submit a Request, and we'll be happy to help.

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