Brightspace: How to Bulk Enroll Users into your Course


In your course in Brightspace:

1. Click Classlist

2. Click Add Participants

3. Click “Import users from a file on your computer”. 


This image displays steps 1, 2 and 3.


Use Excel and then be sure to save that file as a .csv Comma Delimited file.


This image displays the Import Users from File screen. It shows the File Format needed to create the user file.


Your Excel file should look something like this.


This image displays an excel file with B# in Column A, "Tamara" in column B, "Regulski" in column C, "" in column D,  "Learner" in column E and "False" in column F. with the note that column F is not required but the system wants it there so add that.


This file needs to be saved as a “comma delimited” file. You will need to change the file type from .xlsx to .csv by using the File > Save As… command in Excel. 


This image displays the Save As dialog box with a box around "Save as Type" set to "CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)"


Once the file is saved upload it into the Classlist.




Article ID: 217
Thu 7/28/22 6:58 PM
Fri 7/26/24 8:49 AM