Setting up an email backup option for CAS 2FA

Once you have set up your second factor authentication (2FA) for CAS (Central Authentication Service) using Google Authenticator on your phone, the Authenticator browser app or Authy, we recommend setting up a backup method. This can be used if your phone is not available (because you left it at home, got a new phone, or the battery died, etc.) or if you need to log into CAS on a different computer than where you set up your 2FA.

There is an option to receive the second factor 6-digit number via email. This option is available only after you set up the default option using the Authenticator app which is the most secure option and also the most convenient.

Warning: the email option is not available in the Safari browser either on Mac or iOS so you will need to use Chrome, Firefox or Edge to use this option.

Follow these instructions to set up the email backup option for 2FA:

Once you have completed your 2FA for CAS setup using the Authenticator App, return to the Password Portal using this link:

Log in with your user name, password and One-Time-Password from the Authenticator App.

Click on "Create New Token".

In the first box, instead of Default (authenticator app) select "Email"

Enter an email address where you could view the one time password in the event that your usual 2FA device is unavailable.

Enter your date of birth, using the format in the example including the slashes and the 2-digit day and month and the 4-digit year.

Click Submit. You have now set an option to receive the One-Time-Password via email.

To use the email option:

Access a system that uses the CAS login such as,, the Library databases, etc. Log in with your user name and password. Beneath the box where you can enter your One Time Password, you will see an additional button for "E-MAIL ME". Click the "E-MAIL ME" button.

A message will appear that the email was sent:

Check your email messages for the One Time Password from with the subject "One-Time-Password (OTP) Request -- CAS 2FA"



If you would like assistance, please feel free to contact the Binghamton University ITS Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or Submit a Request, and we'll be happy to help.

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