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Bulk add Listserv Subscribers
stored and select the file and click Open. Click on the Import button.
At the top of the Subscriber Management page it should tell how many subscribers were added. Example: ADD: no error, 722
Printing & Related Services
Information Technology Services provides printing services for faculty, staff and students. ... for printing when the quota is exhausted or if you do not have a print quota.
Your balance is not changed unless you actually print a document.
Contact the ITS Help Desk at (607) 777-6420 or Submit a Request for additional assistance.
Server & Storage Management
Information Technology Services utilizes a suite of products to support virtual infrastructure needs across the campus. ... is protected.
H Drive: Individual Network Storage:
Every faculty and staff member has access to 5 gig bits of individual network storage on the H drive. H drives are created by request
Phishing Awareness Training
victim to a phishing attack.
Alongside phishing education requests and reports, Info Sec ensures that ITS maintains a publicly accessible location for people to review, among other things, specific
Mapping your UShare ( on Windows OS or Mac OS
private trusted computer.
Then click on the "OK" button.
You should now see the files on your UShare.
If you do not, make sure you have your Binghamton user
Setup WIFI on ChromeBook devices
Open the click here link in a new tab
Input an email address to get onto the guest wifi
In the JoinNow tab, open the chrome extension download in a new
Download the Chrome
Data Reporting & Analytics
available through the SAS platform, BU has set up the Senior Officers SAS Committee to oversee security and access, and to ensure the content is consistent.
Binghamton University relies on the SAS software
Google Photos - Use Partner Sharing to Share then Save Google Photos to a Personal Gmail Account
Partner sharing.
Below "Partner sharing", click on Save to Account to see options.
Click Save.
All photos: Any photo in the partner sharing will be saved.
Click Done.
If your
Binghamton University Chrome Browser Profile
do not currently Sync their information in Chrome, they may see the following pop up message:
Setting up your Chrome Profile
If you have not signed into Chrome previously and have
Computer Labs
Information Technology Services provides computer labs for students, faculty and staff. ... the Software Availability to see current software that is installed in your chosen lab area as well. You can also download the LabFind app which is similar to LiveMaps.
The below links go to the
Send Mail As Binghamton email address from Google after 2-Step Verification enabled
account settings. You can copy the password for pasting it this one time. You don't need it later, but you do need to enter it in the other account settings so make sure you have it available or
Grading with Turnitin and Text-to-Speech Assistive Technology
Explains work around if using Read&Write for Google Chrome with Turnitin Feedback Studio ... accessibility ... It has been discovered that students' submissions to Turnitin are not easily read by text-to-speech assistive technology. This was discovered this through our licensing of the Google Chrome extension
Autofill One-Time Passcodes from Authenticator Chrome Extension
Instead of typing or copying and pasting one-time passcodes (OTP) from the Authenticator Google Chrome Extension, you can set it up to automatically fill the code into the designated spot
Alumni lifetime email claim/reset password
University Alumni Email Page
Click Request a Binghamton email
Log in or setup a BConnected Account
Take action to request an alumni email account
To reset your Binghamton University
Information and where to reach out for information onBSuccessful.
BSuccessful Scheduling
Students looking to schedule or reschedule an appointment