ITS recommends creating a Google Group to efficiently manage sending messages to your group, department, class or organization. Google Groups require an owner with a Binghamton University email address who can create, manage and delete Groups using their Binghamton University login for Google.
Create a Google Group
How to create a new Google Group:
Log in to your Binghamton University email and click on the "Apps" icon in the upper right corner of the screen, next to the Binghamton University Logo.

Select "Groups" from the list of apps - you may need to select "more" at the bottom to find "Groups"

Click the Create Group button to access the form for entering the information required to create your new Group.

There is a 3-step form to complete to create your Google Group. Google provides a form with the minimal options that you will need to select before creating the group:

Step 1: Enter Group Info
Group name: Enter the name of the group
Group email address: The group name will be used as the email address, so edit if you need a shorter, simpler email address.
Group description: This should be a meaningful description about the members and purpose of the group.
Step 2: Choose privacy settings.
In general, people want email conversations limited to the group members. Some groups are set as public to encourage new members or share public information. This step allows you to select the privacy settings.
Who can search for group: If it is set to "Entire organization", then everyone at Binghamton University can see that your group exists.
Who can join group: If you want to limit access, choose options where you must invite users or you can allow people to ask to join the group.
Who can view conversations, post and view members: This is usually restricted to group members or possibly the managers of the group if you just want to send messages out to the group and do not want to allow back and forth conversations or messages from members to the entire group.

Step 3: Add members

The creator of the Group will automatically be added as a Manager. You can add email addresses directly by typing them in separated by commas or pasting the addresses from a list.
You can also choose to Invite members and allow them to decide whether to join the group or not. During the setup, you can only add addresses to your group. Once you add members or select how to add members, your group will be created.
You can modify additional settings for your group once it is created by selecting "My groups" from the Google menu and selecting the Gear icon on the right for "Group settings".
How to add non-Binghamton email addresses to a my Google Group?
After the Group is created, the Group owner can change the setting of the Group to allow non-Binghamton email addresses. The setting is under Group Settings - General under the heading "Allow External Members". The button can be set to "On" in order to allow "People outside of the organization can be members". The changes must be saved by clicking the button to "Save Changes".
Be aware that allowing users not in means that you must provide a Welcome Message when you direct add an address. Allowing non Binghamton addresses can affect the sending or membership limits for the group which are lower for external members.
Google has documentation on the many features and options available with your Google Group:
If you would like assistance, please feel free to contact the Binghamton University ITS Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or Submit a Request, and we'll be happy to help.
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